Video interview with Banshee: his most sincere opinion about Crystal Brush 2016


AdeptiCon 2017 has just started in Chicago. It is one of the most important wargame and miniature conventions in the world. In this 4 day event, there is also a very important miniature painting and modelling contest. It’s the one that gives away the largest amount of money of all the contests in the Fantasy miniature-sphere. We are talking about Crystal Brush!

Crystal Brush is a contest that leaves nobody indifferent. The grand prize on give away is no other than $10,000 for the big winner. Many well known European painters decide to fly over to the States to try their chance and skill for the very appealing treasure.

As you know, a year ago, in April 2016, we recorded an extensive interview with Alfonso Giraldes ‘Banshee’. Among the topics we talked about, we went over the 2016 Crystal Brush edition: winners, results, format, etc.

Today we offer you the next installment of the video interview that we are sure will not leave you indifferent. Alfonso keeps nothing to himself and gives us his opinion about what Crystal Brush was in 2016 and his vision of the contest looking to the future.

The interview was conducted in Spanish, but there are subtitles available in both English and Spanish.

You cannot miss this!

Miniature painter, sculptor and huge enthusiast, established 2005. Very passionate about community, events and conventions, has won plenty awards in contests worldwide. Miniature art devotee, engineer, contest judge and teacher, focused on spreading the word of what we do in the miniature world!



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