The King – ‘Sculpted by Piqui’, Tiny Leads


Today we bring one of the latest releases from the Tiny Leads factory. Our colleagues from the south of Spain released a few weeks ago a new line inside their brand where one of their artists, Antonio Fernández Lizaso (aka Piqui), is going to be letting his imagination free as a sculptor and modeller. This exclusive line inside the company is featured under the name ‘Sculpted by Piqui’. As of now, the line features 3 busts, and today we present you one of them. Let’s dive in a take a look at ‘The King’.


The figure is quite a simple bust representing an old and tired king, at least in appearance. This is the box where the model comes packed in:


We open the box and we find the bust wrapped in a plastic protection bag. The box seems a bit big with regards to the size of the model.


We take the model out of the wrapping and we see a very fine sculpture, the copy is in resin with apparently no flaws, we nearly cannot see any mould lines or production defects.


As you can see, the concept of the bust is quire simple, which makes this a very versatile model that can be subject to many interpretations. The tired and old face is carved deep into the sculpture so it will possibly be quite complicated to escape from that idea when painting. For us this is a simple miniature to spend a good time painting and not complicating

Como se puede ver, el concepto del busto es muy simple, lo que hace que sea una figura muy versátil y que puede dar mucho juego para interpretaciones. El rostro cansado y viejo está muy conseguido y muy marcado por la escultura por lo que posiblemente sea complicado salir de esa idea a la hora de pintar. Para nosotros se trata de una figura sencilla para pasar un buen rato pintando y without too much complication.

The price, 18.95€ in the online store of Tiny Leads, is in line with the market price for this type of bust and size.

Here are some more photos with details from different views:

king_piqui_5 king_piqui_4

Sculpting detail
Poses and expressions
Pieces and assembly
Miniature painter, sculptor and huge enthusiast, established 2005. Very passionate about community, events and conventions, has won plenty awards in contests worldwide. Miniature art devotee, engineer, contest judge and teacher, focused on spreading the word of what we do in the miniature world!


  1. I think it would be cool to make an ice king out of him (prince Arthas style Warcraft 3) lots of cold colors and icicles. Maybe a rusted crown… 😉

  2. Mmm that is indeed a cool idea! I love Iced environments, and they way you suggest it, it certainly would fit perfectly. Or maybe something like Theoden while under the spell of Saruman… cool! 🙂


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