Imprescindibles 2018 Semana 50


Boxart painted for Young Miniatures.

Kaha’s style works so well in this Great Daemon of Tzeentch. Especially on the magic base effect.

What an amazing looking Nurgle army using a very limited colour palette and lots of creativity.

Such a nice little scene of an elephant playing chess.

Pinxit is converting and painting an incredible army using as a base the basic troops from the Idoneth Deepkin.

Nice article showing how to paint skin using colour mapping with great results.

Just a simple job for Arnau, but a great looking Space Wolf for everyone else.

Comic like version of this bust from Pedro Fernández.

More Eldars coming in from River for an amazing army she is building on commission.

Such a cool dragon design we would have loved to see in full body.

Awesome paintjob of a Game of Thrones character for the CMON wargame.

Easy tutorial to achieve great looking effects on the armours of undead warriors.

Sculpted by the studio team and painted by Miguel Matías.

Sculpted and painted by Trovarion, available through Mr. Lee’s Minis.

An old tutorial from Bohun showcasing his signature method for painting intricate patterns.

Pintor, escultor y gran entusiasta de las miniaturas, desde 2005. Apasionado de la comunidad, de eventos y convenciones, premiado en numerosas competiciones de todo el mundo, ingeniero, devoto del arte, profesor y jurado en concursos. ¡Concentrado en difundir lo que hacemos en el mundo de la miniatura!

2 Comentarios

  1. Me parece tremendo el articulo de la piel y de las pautas que sigue Bohun para sus diseños. Ese Marine Espacial de Arnau igualmente esta increíble. De nuevo lo mejor de la semana, muchas gracias papi y FELICES FIESTAS!!!

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