Imprescindibles 2019 Semana 43


Amazing painting on the sculpture by Joaquín Palacios based on concept art by Daniel Zrom.

Extraordinary boxart of this bust from Robotrocket Miniatures, sculpted by Charles Agius.

Boxart painted for Journeyman miniatures, on a sculpture by Charles Agius.

Extraordinary diorama, a unique piece, don’t forget to check the author’s insight into the making because it is very valuable. Original sculpture by Charles Agius

Sculpted by Raúl Latorre, painted by Andy Wardle.

Cool painting using two sourcers of light on this character with a lot of personality.

Really cool goblin character riding an even cooler turtle.

Commission work based on models and story from Mirko’s own miniature line, the Five Cyclons.

Nice little scene of this magic monster, dettachable for better gaming use.

Simon shows us this very cool heavy conversion of this Tyranid monster.

Just the right amount of effects and metallic paints and you can get an incredible looking warband for your games.

Pintor, escultor y gran entusiasta de las miniaturas, desde 2005. Apasionado de la comunidad, de eventos y convenciones, premiado en numerosas competiciones de todo el mundo, ingeniero, devoto del arte, profesor y jurado en concursos. ¡Concentrado en difundir lo que hacemos en el mundo de la miniatura!

4 Comentarios

  1. Increíbles trabajos como siempre! Rafa donde esta el articulo para Daddy Issues? el enlace te lleva a Patty and Paint pero no el articulo…
    Me encantas los dos bustos de Arnau, que maestria !!! Increíbles.
    Gracias por mantenernos entretenidos Rafa!!

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