Do Not Miss 2018 Week 20


Super inspiring paintjob on this bust sculpted by Ju Won Jung.

Amazing version of this bust from Nuts Planet.

Photoprocess on the paintjob of Ugg’s face.

Super cool take on this soldier bust, very personal and full of message.

Sculpture by Jonatan Monerris, painting by Marc Masclans.

Amazing army on commission featuring a darker version of a Stormcast host.

Experimenting with electricity in this article explaining the painting of this bust from Infamy Models.

Perfect class on how to improve models to take them to the next level before the contest.

Digitally sculpted by Raúl García Latorre.

All the sculpts of Deep Ones by Roberto for the Slumbering Oblivion boardgame.

Really nice textures and colour choices for this historical bust.

These are some interesting designs for the boardgame Orcquest Warpath.

Sculpted by Pedro Fernández

Photoprocess depicting the painting of a horse in different steps with airbrush and brush.

Paint and graphic design for the kickstarter of Black Rose Wars by Ludus Magnus Studio.

A second version of this pinup from Kingdom Death.

Report in the facebook site ‘Competition Minis’.

Miniature painter, sculptor and huge enthusiast, established 2005. Very passionate about community, events and conventions, has won plenty awards in contests worldwide. Miniature art devotee, engineer, contest judge and teacher, focused on spreading the word of what we do in the miniature world!



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