Brushes of the Underworlds: Final Check


Initial disclaimer! We have to apologize… because even though the campaign ended a while ago, we got distracted by other things and we forgot to publish the last post closing the challenge. “A wizard is never late (…)” and so on, and so forth. Now, let’s go for it!

It’s been hard, but we finally bring you the final checkpoint of the challenge. As we expected, the vast majority (and this includes both Volomir and me), have not managed to reach the proposed deadline. It’s inherent to this kind of challenges, and also a propelling part of them, so there’s nothing to be ashamed of! We did the best we could. 😉 Did we?


Let’s start with those who HAVE DELIVERED:

As I already mentioned in check 2, the truth is that I thought about taking it easy, but I guess that after having painted about 50 Krule for my army, my hands danced completely frenetic over the minis and I finished them much sooner than I thought. Seeing so many beautiful displays and dioramas I decided to prepare a base for them worthy of such a band and with which to show off next to the beautiful work of my challenge companions.

Let's see Nor... But didn't we put this already?  It's familiar to me, isn't it? Congratulations TONI!

So much for the Big3 challenge…. The treasure was a lie inside the chest there was a note from Volomir saying Pintaaaaaaaa!!!!!….. Thank you for this challenge that has made me demand myself to paint more and improve…. Now to touch up little by little so that they can be presented in Essen…. Road to GoldenDemon’24! The bearded ogre Yugutine is approaching the end of his journey where he will find the precious treasure… The mythical treasure that all brush pirates talk about…. The golden chest of the Big3…. Lacking Details…. Shading…. Bases…. We are going full steam ahead arrrrrrrrrr

Congratulations Yugu! You have finished and that's already remarkable... now, time to tidy them up for the GD ;)

Well, this is the end of the Fjul Grimnir band, I hope you like it. It has been great to participate in another challenge with you, and I hope that we can meet again in the next one!

We liked, as always, the dwarfs you presented, especially the reverse interpretation of the crests and beards. Especially the reverse interpretation of the color of the crests and beards. Will we see it in the GD?

Against all odds… I was able to finish the band on time.

Fighting against the gray tide another day. I had a great time, painting and participating in this great challenge against the clock.

Many thanks to the guys at TheBig3 for doing these little things that motivate me so much.

I encourage everyone, both beginners and experts brushes to participate in future challenges.

Greetings and… death to the grey tide!

Good entry Bralos. Dark but well finished scheme.... Hey, the gray tide is part of our being. Embrace it!

I was happy with the band in general, the weakest part was the girl and the crossbowman. As a first time for a fire osl, I think it was a good result. Just enough time for two months for this kind of bands at a top level… Obviously my level is TABLEtop at best. I’m learning!

Quite the thing that we realize now that Carlos and Hexbane do share some uncanny resemblance...

In the absence of preparing the game bases, I completed the challenge as expected, although this is when you realize that taking a unit to the maximum level of your painting is harder than it seems (and I did not make it happen). A pleasure to have participated in the challenge and despite not being able to contain myself with the size of the base, I’m very happy with the result.

Super supporter of making those game bases for them. The scenic one at the end seems well resolved, with a little bit of base excess. In any case, CONGRATULATIONS!

With this fourth character with the theme of the power of nature I finish the band. I’m quite happy with the result and with how I’ve organized myself to complete the challenge. I tried to do something a bit more original and go out of my comfort zone, redoing several times many parts because I wasn’t happy with the final result but right now I think this is my level, which was one of the objectives.

An original and fantastically executed proposal. You are On-Fire Ph0bos!

Finished the “challenge” of underworlds. In the end it was a bit difficult, but I’m happy with the result. It’s true that they are not at the level they should be (I would need more time, because I’m very slow at painting). The band doesn’t seem to me to be difficult to paint, on the contrary it’s much easier than other bands, but perhaps for a challenge they are a bit too many miniatures, and they also have details that need a bit more work. In short, it is a band that looks nicely painted, but it needs a little more work than I thought, but at the same time, as it has a little more difficulty to make everything more or less homogeneous. I think that with a little more time it can be very very good. I think that if I have enough time, I will retouch it and I will put a scenic base, which can give it that little extra bling.

And you painted this while you were betraying us, didn't you? It's clear that thanks to the Big3 you've made it, so... you're welcome Denis! Well played xD

I chose this band, because I visualized the witch of Mordheim in it, I liked the “werewolf” position and I wanted to work a mini-diorama. I did NOT imagine I would get so tangled up! The band came out a week after the challenge, I changed the composition twice (thanks Paloji), I wanted to put the witch flying, then I tried unsuccessfully to sculpt steamy hair with putty on the witch, etc. I ended up converting that hair with bits the last two days before the end of the challenge. There are many little things to polish here and there, but overall I’m happy with what I achieved in such a short time, it was so much fun that I would repeat without hesitation!!! Although with something a little simpler, I also have to say it XD Thanks to TheBig3 for letting me participate in the challenge, I hope you like it and see you again!

At the official time of “stopping the clock” I had finished the band in their gaming bases, as initially forecasted. But! It turned out that the bonus time coincided with a wonderful vacation in Castilla La-Mancha, and as since the beginning I had been ruminating the idea (in case I had time) of making a scenic base, and building the lighting in this sense… in the final sprint I have done this, which keeps the game bases buried but available to be recovered in case in the end I decide that it would have been better to stay still.

Although I will need some time to take perspective on whether I like the result (and there are still a few things to adjust), what I can already say is: it has been a pleasure to participate in the challenge, see the progress of my colleagues and receive feedback from big3. It is the first time that I have painted with checkpoints and it has helped me to be constant, uniform and to reach a result, that on my own I would have postponed much more.

Thank you very much for the work and the experience!

One of our favorites. Incredible choice of colours, approach and excellent execution! Also, game and scenic bases both... we hope to see you in future challenges! Congratulations Rosa :D

I arrive in extremis to the deadline of the challenge with a presentable band, that is not really finished. It would still need a lot of work to leave it good enough for Golden Demon, but unfortunately they are going to stay aside, at least for now, to prioritize other entries.

Well a very different red Paloji, and with a thousand hours of work left! Either way with this or another entry, you don't get there! NOOOO LLEGAS!

So that completes the roster of those who managed to complete the challenge. Here are the final reports of those who wanted to say a few last lines despite not having finished.

What follows is what any normal person would call… “EXCUSES”.


I really tried my best to at least have them all coloured up so be ready for the tabletop. That was the initial goal for the campaign. Again my ambition seemed to be too high…

Some unexpected time off the painting table prevented me from achieving the goal. But these will be finished for a greater goal!


And indeed I did! The ladz were finished for Golden Demon and were very well received. They took home a Bronze Demon in the Underworlds category! 

Well, I couldn’t make it. I started the challenge in the live streams with the healthy intention of advancing them solid, but not a chance.
My intention is to make it my second entry for the GD, but even that option is starting to wobble! We’ll see!
You can see us progress at:


I finally finished the piece. There were some many things I could have done, but finally the warband was entered into the Golden Demon in Essen 2024. Here are some pics of the final result!

Always the same story... you could have signed up for a challenge on another channel or just PAINT. You're not making it to the GD even with one single entry at this pace!!!

UPDATE: Terrible composition, and there's a lot more you could do to the painting... maybe next time! (here's me hoping...)

Fail…. With all the sadness in my heart, I have not been able to meet this great challenge. A lot of work, a lot of live shows, a lot of trips, a lot of orders… I’m sorry I couldn’t contribute more. So I can only say that I’m sorry and that it won’t happen again.

Well, nice try... So so many excuses. You need more hours in the Terra Classroom! Let's see those tickets for the GD... Focus!

I was hoping to finish the band but it has been impossible, life gets complicated. Well, these are my first Stormcast and the truth is that I’m happy with the result of this WIP. It’s been a process of comings and goings, the NMM is cool, but when there is so many of it…. It is a long process and if there are external complications, even more. Anyway, I have enjoyed it a lot in spite of everything. Thank you very much for the initiative!

That's right. Life sometimes cuts you no slack, but we hope you liked the format and the next one will be better for you!

Well, I’ve only been able to paint a third of the mini. Although very happy with the result. They are minis that I love and I wanted to dedicate time and love to make a painting that would do them justice. In the end during these two months I have had a lot of work, so I could not take time for them. Even so, I have been able to advance a little this one to leave an idea of the scheme: a violet for the skin as protagonist, accompanied with orange, maroon and turquoise, as reminiscent of the coral world of these elves-fish. Finally, I wanted to try to make a mother-of-pearl armor, with small greenish, pinkish, etc. iridescent reflections.
PS. When the challenge started, I was caught with a mini of the Sons of Velmorn band. Well, at least I have finished that band during these two months!

Well, so much for nothing. We had so any hopes with this one! At least you've finished a band during the challenge... next time it needs to be the one of the challenge! xD
We'll wait for you in the next one ;)

I got involved in the challenge with this troop that I hadn’t even planned to paint at first, and in the end they are half done, but very well on their way to Essen. I knew it was going to be complicated, as I’m not exactly the fastest painter, and the last two months I’ve been especially busy. The plan was to get it done with the free days I had, but between some things and others, in the end I ended up dedicating the free days to other projects: between weddings, trips, home renovations, and so on, April/May have not been the best months for painting :P.
But well, it has been an honor and a privilege to be part of the challenge, and to see all those bands in process during these weeks. I can’t wait to see the results, and especially to see what comes out of this for October!

Another one for Essen... well, you've got a big egg left Jesus! Noooooo Lleeeeegaaaaaaas!!!!

So far my contribution. The lack of time (life is hard) forces me to get here. A lot to do and retouch, but I think that in general terms you can see the intention. A pleasure to share it with you and to have been part of this challenge!

Well, so much for the Underworlds challenge.
Unfortunately the rest of the participants have not passed more report and we know that some have tried and have fallen by the wayside; others have not even started, but we have all enjoyed to a greater or lesser extent what we propose this type of activities that we will not stop doing:
A plan to paint and think of the most creative projects we can manage. Beyond whether we manage to finish it or not, it is something that reconnects us with our hobby and we enjoy it.

Unconditionally passionate about our hobby, Norberto Álvarez has been in love with figures and static modeling since he was 11 years old. Nor is an active and enterprising collaborator of many projects related to our community, contributing with ideas, work on social networks and the Internet. A regular in national events wherever they are, huge advocate of hobbying with good beer and friends ;)


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