Third checkpoint. Having passed the midpoint of the challenge, we are still without news from many people and others reporting great progress and others… more modest. Let’s see what we have!

Step by step the pirate ship of the bearded ogre Yugutine is approaching the end of its journey where it will find the precious treasure….. The mythical treasure that all the burhs pirates talk about…. The golden chest of the Big3….
Still missing some details…. Shading…. Bases…. We are going full steam ahead arrrrrrrrrrrrr

There is indeed a pirate chest... be quick or someone else will steal your thunder!

The painting of the characters is progressing slowly, on the other hand the integration of these in the scenography by means of magnets is solved and ready to be taken from the display to the table. This time the biggest progress has been on the display base, with some extra elements such as incense burners, vegetation and color distribution with the different materials to be represented.

Great elements on the base! Very varied and colorful... On the final stages already ;)

Not much in this checkpoint. This is the last I painted. Still need to retouch everything and the base.

This is indeed a man of few words!

With the third lava-themed character finally finished, I face this final stretch with the last character more oriented to nature magic, to see if I can finish it soon and finish with some touch-ups to the whole Squad.

A super interesting proposal. We really like the play of atmospheres that you have achieved ;)

Little progress here. I’ve come on too high doing NMM for the first time and I think it’s going to work against me completely. For the first time I have thoughts that I’m not going to make it to the finish line….. Fingers crossed.

Come on Stratos! Nice garden you've got yourself into.... Volomir could help you for sure, but you'll have to invite him for a snack ;)

Now I can say it: I can’t make it. This is the checkpoint to cry xD and is that although in the main view is more advanced, my boys have practically their asses in the air. On the other hand, I’ve been testing heights, but again we’ll see if I’m in time to fix something. It’s going to be a tight squeeze.

Ouh, those asses are in the air, yes! Cheer up, you'll get there... next to others xD

A little more progress, in this case it is the turn of the second member of the band, “Tefk Portallama”, I have already raised the color in the rest of the band components and I hope to reach the last checkpoint on time.

On fire! You can tell they are activating the runes ;)

In this checkpoint I think we do see significant progress in the minis…but the base is still exactly the same as on day 1…
I am running out of time!

Well, you can give that base a good workout, yes. The miniatures are OK, the base... not so good. You are running out of time!

Now people from Instagram! Let’s see who has reported things in the last 2 weeks:
Third checkpoint done! We still haven’t seen a thing from some contenders that we are sure are progressing although… I think there are going to be a lot of FAILS in the end.
See you in 15 days with checkpoint 4 and the end of the challenge!
We are VERY nervous to see who will be able to finish this challenge… and to know who will be our readers’ favorite.
See you in no time!