Do Not Miss 2017 Week 15


We never grow tired of all the sculptures Patrick is creating for Dark Age.

Sculpted by Carmine Giugliano and painted by Sergio Calvo.

Really nice version of Gürmuz by Robert Carlsson.

Just an orc head sculpted by Allan, just another beauty. He just makes everything look so easy!

A very inspirational diorama based on Princess Mononoke by Miyazaki.

The painting of the impressive Swamp Aelves warband for Aos28, explained in the blog Ex Profundis.

Really detailed sculpture for the company Cartoon Miniatures.

Really cool expression on this Hellboy bust.

The world of flat figures introduced by Rick Taylor in this tutorial in

Marina’s take on this wonderful bust sculpted by Romain Van den Bogaert.

This is a truly remarkable paintjob of a High Elf, inspirational fuel to continue with more elves in the future!

Some interesting new releases, like this Lycanthrope Ranger bust sculpted by Jonatan Monerris.

It’s the Easter season! When better to get out those eggs and bunnies?

Interesting version of Kellath from Hera Models, which reminds us of Roman Lappat’s work on fire light sources.

Miniature painter, sculptor and huge enthusiast, established 2005. Very passionate about community, events and conventions, has won plenty awards in contests worldwide. Miniature art devotee, engineer, contest judge and teacher, focused on spreading the word of what we do in the miniature world!


  1. @volomir: can you explain something if possible – how do you create the subtle texture pattern on the inside of the High Elf cloak in #11? I’ve seen something similar on the banner of Mirko Cavalloni’s work (link below), but would love to see/hear how it’s created!

    Thanks for the help, seeing the best and learning from them every week makes this community great =)

    • I would say that is basically done by stippling carefully. It just needs patience and control of the amount of dots to make the effect believable.
      For the case of the High Elf, you start off from a base of a darker blueish grey, and then you progressively apply layers of lighter shades of grey by stippling on top, always making sure that the bottom layer of darker grey is visible at times, so you don’t cover the whole area with the lighter colour. Also, on the areas close to the edges, you try to keep the darker grey underneath even more visible.
      It shouldn’t be hard to do with some practice I believe, it just takes some time if you are not used to the stippling technique.
      I hope it helps!


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