Do Not Miss 2019 Week 49


Sculpted by Lucas Pina.

Concept & Sculpture by Maria Panfilova.

Francesco’s version of the Fire bust from the 4 elements Series by The League, in this case, sculpted by Alberto Acquaviva for Pegaso Models based on a concept by Stefano Moroni.

Martin is trying to get some motivation back by having fun with this dwarf by Raúl García Latorre.

A classic sculpture from Maxime Penaud, a new version from Enrique Velasco.

Sculpted by Michael Kontraros for the joint project The League with Aradia, Kimera and Nocturna.

Sculpted by Torben Ryde Pedersen.

Another plague bearing wonder by Citadel Designer Maxime Pastourel in his blog Des Kouzes.

What an incredible warband for Mordheim.

Dark and gritty interpretation of this great model of an Ogre Kingdoms leader.

Roman’s version of the second Toad King from Aradia Miniatures.

Julien Casses is back from a long absence, and he is bringing back some of his old tutorials like this process where he paints an old Wolfen from Rackham.

Miniature painter, sculptor and huge enthusiast, established 2005. Very passionate about community, events and conventions, has won plenty awards in contests worldwide. Miniature art devotee, engineer, contest judge and teacher, focused on spreading the word of what we do in the miniature world!


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