VolomirDo Not Miss Do Not Miss 2024 Week 37 By volomir - November 6, 2024 0 1196 1Brokk, Hera ModelsDigitally sculpted by Francisco Rodríguez Ponce based on art by Blocsánchez, painted by Yisong Liu.2Ceredwin, The Forest Whisperer, Beyond MiniaturesDigitally sculpted by Alejandro Muñoz.3Mannuk, ZabaArtSculpted and painted by Lukas Zaba.4Prince of Dawn, Stella ArgentisDigitally sculpted by Víctor Aguilar, painted by Sergio Vilches.5Sir Lancerot by David ArrobaDavid’s version of this bust from Spira Mirabilis.6Sir Lancerot by Magnus FagerbergMagnus’ version of this bust from Spira Mirabilis.7Sariel, Karol Rudyk ArtDigitally sculpted by Isabella Barone based on concept Art by Paul Bonner, produced as a commemorative model for SMC 2024.8Kingdom Death model by GHZ WorkshopGHZ’s version of this large scale Kingdom Death model.9Untitled by GHZ WorkshopA Warhammer/Necromunda scene.10Lemmy by Rubén MartínezRubén’s depiction of a house Goliath agent from Necromunda.11The Legend of the Rat King by Pax AcrylicaEugene’s fantastic creation based on kits from Games Workshop and putty.12European archer, 15th century, Medieval Forge MiniaturesSculpted by Nikita Ableev and Igor Gurochkin, painted by Nik Panfilov.