Euromilitaire is dead



The 2016 EuroMilitaire show will be the last…


The legendary contest from Folkestone, with a tradition of more than 30 years of history in Military and Historical modeling, will no longer exist. The 2016 EuroMilitaire show will be the last.


As informed by

“Founded and organised since 1985 by a local group of modelling experts and enthusiasts in the Folkestone region and sponsored for the last ten years by My Time Media, the show is no longer sustainable for a variety of reasons not least the critical decrease in the numbers of the original local organising team and its volunteers, but also a downward trend in both the numbers of visitors to the show and competition entries in recent years.

Thank You to everyone involved over the years.”

Miniature painter, sculptor and huge enthusiast, established 2005. Very passionate about community, events and conventions, has won plenty awards in contests worldwide. Miniature art devotee, engineer, contest judge and teacher, focused on spreading the word of what we do in the miniature world!


  1. Oh, that is sad news! We need MORE people involved in the great hobby, not less! I wonder what the cause of this is? I wish I could have attended when this was going on, a real shame this ended.

    • Certainly Max! Probably the organizers are not motivated anymore, seeing the event decrease slowly over the last few years, and with no willpower to renovate, they’ve preferred not to change it and just kill it. Sad stuff, for sure.

  2. I got the news the other day and was literally heart broken…it felt like a close friend died – i’ve been attending euro militaire 10 times 😕 so sad it’s over.

    Rest in peace EM and thank you for all the great moments.

    René Petersen.

  3. Sad news about EUromilitaire. I guess its all about finances in the end. I only went a couple of times but found it exciting. If the modelling world abhors a vacuum then another show will be arranged. To whoever organises a new show I wish them every success.

  4. Thankyou Euro Miniature Expo…..I hope that your efforts are rewarded…….Euromilitaire was THE highlight of the year for most of us!!

  5. My Husband Charles Davis had the idea of starting Euro Militaire, Lyn Sangster and Ray Lamb were the sponsors at the beginning, the 3 of them all worked really hard putting on this show, Plus all the others that helped and for the first few years gave their time and help for free. I have an original poster that Ray designed. It was such a successful show due to all of their hard work. When Ray sold his share, it still carried on to being the most successful show in the world. Unfortunately after my husbands death in 2012, I didn’t think it would last more that 5 years, it managed 4. Unfortunately Lyn has now passed away.
    So sorry this show has died too, it was so successful and such fun, especially in the first few years when all the traders would get together for a lovely dinner on the Saturday night, organised by my husband, there were always a few Suffering hangovers on the Sunday, Great times 💕


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