Do Not Miss 2024 Week 30


Dave’s version of this bust, digitally sculpted by Alejandro Muñoz.

Thibaut’s version of this bust, digitally sculpted by Alejandro Muñoz.

Digitally sculpted based on the High Elf troops from Warhammer Fantasy, as a one-off for Dave Colwell and Alejandro Muñoz.

Marc’s version of this bust by Stam (@stalyn_quito_).

Digitally sculpted by Alejandro Muñoz based on art by Justin Gerard, painted by Dave Colwell.

Christian’s old sculpture inspired by art from a Warhammer Armies book from Games Workshop.

Ladislav’s version of this model digitally sculpted by JM Chaves.

Digitally sculpted by Isabella Barone.

Fantastic conversion using different kits from Games Workshop and Tamiya putty.

Olthar’s style works out perfectly with this idea for an Ork Kommando.

Nick’s conversion using different pieces from kits by Games Workshop.

Miniature painter, sculptor and huge enthusiast, established 2005. Very passionate about community, events and conventions, has won plenty awards in contests worldwide. Miniature art devotee, engineer, contest judge and teacher, focused on spreading the word of what we do in the miniature world!


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