Do Not Miss 2016 Week 51


Lucas Pina strikes back with this dynamic bust in his very own personal style, a new treat he has been working on the past few months.

The WIP photos of everything Lucas sculpts are extremely interesting. It’s amazing to get an insight into his creation process.

Incredible giant sculpted by Romain for Black Sun. A great addition to anyone’s 35mm army, or maybe just a showcase figure? You decide!

Big Child releases a new figure made for Black Sailors by Allan Carrasco, and as a Christmas treat, pre-orders will get additional gear for the season!

Enrique makes painting a single Warhammer 40k miniature something apparently very easy!

Amazing paintjob by Raffaele Picca of this bust from Raúl García Latorre.

Arkaitz has done an outstanding job on this bust from the company Black Crow Miniatures. A little bird tells us there will be videos via Patreon for those interested in the creation process!

Such a cool sculpture, dynamic and evocative, by Antonio Zapatero.

Get an insight into Roman’s thoughts while he paints this bust sculpted by Lucas Pina for the company Midnight Miniatures.

Roman really digs the strong light effects lately. Another great example is this new creation.

The new company unveils their first release, by showing us the render of Aly.

The third and last miniature from Luis’ display in Monte San Savino.

I can’t take my mind out of Dragon Ball when I think of the Monkey King story. Great sculpture!

We really love the style of Sergio’s quick step by step pictures.

Amazing paintjob by Sergey.

Neat and smooth, check out the painting of this Sharki by Borja García, normally one of Forgeworld’s studio painters.

Games Workshop is preparing great new miniatures for the Imperial Inquisition. Sisters of Battle are back in plastic, and this Mechanicus beast will make John Blanche fans very happy!

Kristian shows us how he created this diorama, an allegory of feelings in war, all in

Check out Camelson’s very own style in this bust from the Knightmodel’s catalogue.

Really cool sculpture from Valentin Ammon Zak for the Mierce Miniatures range.

Ángel continues his relentless painting of the Infinity catalogue, we really like the Colossus kind of skin on this one.

Miniature painter, sculptor and huge enthusiast, established 2005. Very passionate about community, events and conventions, has won plenty awards in contests worldwide. Miniature art devotee, engineer, contest judge and teacher, focused on spreading the word of what we do in the miniature world!


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