A Tale of 12+1 Warlords: Checkpoint 2 Chaos Alliance updates


Time for Chaos!

Alliance Chaos Checkpoint 2

This Alliance is doing a great job and has painted what they were supposed to. Or even more!


The case of Javi aka ‘The Blacksmith’ is too much. We asked him about how much he had painted already and he answers this.

And then we ask him for some proof of what he is saying and he answers that he is currently moving and he has no time to show anything for himself.

Oh, but he did have time to paint the whole 1,000 points before the second month of the 6 month campaign? Really?

He is basically toying with disqualification for a clear lack of #respect towards the rest of the Warlords.

In the meantime, his list as you can see is no longer a 1,000 point list. Since the lad is open to new challenges, he now prefers to do 440 more points than what he had to in the first place.


At this pace his roster is going to grow to 2,500 points at the end of the campaign or so. Where is he getting the money for all those dwarves from Forgeworld?


In the meantime, Armando continues stubbornly to serve Khorne as he should.

Not only is he painting with remarkable efficiency, but also finding the time to write up a tutorial on how he approaches the painting of his Blood God followers.

Second checkpoint and my Khorne army continues to grow steadily. To that first unit of Bloodreavers, now I add the evil Blood Warriors and the brutal Slaughterpriest.
With the Blood Warrior I could experiment a bit more with red and gold NMM, since they are covered in armour from head to feet.

With the Slaughterpriest, I followed the same scheme as with the Blood Warriors and Blood Reavers, but I wanted to give them a different touch to highlight that Chosen of Khorne kind of touch. The right arm was changed in position and I painted the left arm in this fire/lava effect.

I will explain next how I painted the red armour and golden NMM.

For the red armour I used as base Rhinos Hide (Citadel) in all the surface and then I continued to highlight all the light areas with Khorne Red (Citadel) overall. Using Mephiston Red (Citadel) y highlighted the areas in brightest light, reducing the surface and therefore creating a good contrast. To force the contrast even more, I applied Pink Flesh (Scale75) without fear on the areas where I should apply the strongest lights, and applied dilluted Mephiston Red (Citadel) over them to tint them and reinforce the contrast.

For the non metallic golc, I also used Rhinos Hide (Citadel) in all the surfaces that would appear Gold, as in the edges of the armour, the plates… After that, I painted Mournfand Browm (Citadel) over the basecoat leaving the dark base only in the deepest areas looking for the shadow areas that light could create. I used Orange Brown (Vallejo MC) to highlight the areas of strongest light. After that, I used Bestigor Flesh (Citadel) and Ungor Flesh (Citadel) to reduce those areas. It’s important to consider that for the NMM effect to work, there must be a strong contrast between light and shadow areas, so it is better to apply the colour in a ‘harsh’ way as you apply the layers, more than just look for clean transitions in between. For the maximum lights I used Titanium White (Golden) to create those final highlights in gold that are very contrasted.

I am enjoying these miniatures very much, they have a great deal of details and they are miniatures that are very pleasing to paint.
With regards to the bases… I am leaving these until the end.
Now I just need to finish the Bloodsecreator and the leader of my army, Korghos Khul, and the first phase of the campaign will be finished.

His list remains the same.

Does anyone doubt that Armando will remain alive in the second part of the campaign?


Tzeentch is very happy. Phobos is being true to his duty to painting in this campaign.

However, rumour says that Phobos, to maintain his favour with his god of Change, has decided to divorce after just getting married last month. This has caused a terrible shock in his life and now he is living under a bridge and he was not able to leave us with any graphic material to confirm his progress in this second Checkpoint.


Another rumour says he has simply gone on holiday.

And thus ends the unbelievable progress of the most committed Alliance on this side of the Realms. Everything points to a Full House Chaos storming into the second phase of A Tale of 12+1 Warlords!

Miniature painter, sculptor and huge enthusiast, established 2005. Very passionate about community, events and conventions, has won plenty awards in contests worldwide. Miniature art devotee, engineer, contest judge and teacher, focused on spreading the word of what we do in the miniature world!


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