Do Not Miss 2016 Week 36


More sculptures from Joaquin Palacios for Black Sun miniatures. What a collaboration! We want them all!

Draconia has been releasing in the past few months a series of miniatures in 70mm, this new character, Shazam, fits in perfectly with the rest of the crew, modelled by Laslo Forgach and painted by Marc Masclans.

Lucas Pina posts processes of his work from time to time and they are tremendously instructive. This is the one for Kellath, the Goblin Shaman for Hera Models.

After the ‘Smile!’ bust kit, Leonardo Escovar strikes back with this amazing collection of busts depicting his very personal vision of Dungeon raiders. There are three of them, the Gnome Mage, the Gnome Warrior and the Gnome Assasin They are awesome!

The next installment in the series of personal projects by Pedro Fernández is this one, called Isbiliya. By the style and concept of the miniature you can see why Pedro wanted a line for his personal ideas.

The Quest is a crowdfunding initiative to create a line of dungeon adventurers in different sizes by Nocturna Models. They cancelled their first try a few months ago and decided to enhance the project in this new attempt, which comes heavily improved. The campaign started just today and will go on for 25 days.

Black Sun barbarians are slowly getting paintjobs by Sergio Calvo, this is Savage Beauty, one of the best miniatures of the series.

Everyone wants to have a Golden Demon. The great Gareth Nicholas shares his thoughts on grabbing one of these precious trophies in the current Golden Demon meta based on his experience.

As you may already know, Sdub has a great channel about miniature painting that you should definitely check out. In this episode, he discusses wet palettes. He’s very entertaining and gives you great tips on keeping your paint as moist as possible.

Amazing painting by David on this Desert Wanderer from the catalogue of Dark Age.

Quite a different scheme for a Infinity miniature, we really liked the idea for this miniature by Sergey Chasnyk.

Miniature painter, sculptor and huge enthusiast, established 2005. Very passionate about community, events and conventions, has won plenty awards in contests worldwide. Miniature art devotee, engineer, contest judge and teacher, focused on spreading the word of what we do in the miniature world!


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