VolomirDo Not Miss Do Not Miss 2020 Week 13 By volomir - May 11, 2020 0 4480 1Osiris by Rémy TremblaySculpted for Ankh: Gods of Egypt by CMON.2Ra by Rémy TremblaySculpted for Ankh: Gods of Egypt by CMON.3Amun by Rémy TremblaySculpted for Ankh: Gods of Egypt by CMON.4Anubis WIP by Patrick MassonA glorious photoprocess for this model, sculpted for Ankh: Gods of Egypt by CMON.5Goblin King by Alex HolmenWhat a magnificent game of colours on this bust.6Val and the Hakosuka by Arnau LázaroSuch great combination of models, beautifully painted and presented.7Teutoburg 9 AD, Pegaso ModelsSculpted by Nino Lorenzoni, painted by Magnus Fagerberg.8Ghazghkull Thraka by C’TanOne the first great versions of the Ork Chieftain, amazing.9Building a better Epidemius, Mengel MiniaturesTyler Mengel shows us his very nice Epidemius conversion.10Russian Special Forces by Nik AbleevVery cool Russian contemporary soldier in 1:16.11Charging by Iván HortalSculpted by Pascual Sales, painted by Iván Hortal, next in the series of robots based in the art of Matt Dixon.12Petals by Roman TarasovDelicate scene in 1:20.13Hasta la vista baby by Francisco López PayáAnd we thought no more versions of anonymous would surprise us.