Do Not Miss 2021 Week 2


Sculpted by Thornbjorn Barone, painted by Aythami Alonso.

Sculpted by Daniele Danko Angelozzi inspired by art from Brittany Jackson, painted by Michal Pisarski.

Sculpted by Ramón Martínez, painted by Alfonso Giraldes ‘Banshee’.

Digitally sculpted by Juan Novelletto based on art by BlocSánchez.

David’s version of the Ogor leader from Warhammer: Age of Sigmar.

A photo summary from Benoit of his historical production in 2020.

David’s version of the bust sculpted by Iván Mata.

Sculpted by based on art by Mirko Failoni, painted by Fausto Palumbo.

What an interesting paintjob on the bust from Beyond Miniatures.

Benjamin’s version of the bust from Ignis Art.

Really especial version of the bust from Pedro Fernández Works.

Sculpted by Robert Caravel, painted by Enrique Velasco.

Miniature painter, sculptor and huge enthusiast, established 2005. Very passionate about community, events and conventions, has won plenty awards in contests worldwide. Miniature art devotee, engineer, contest judge and teacher, focused on spreading the word of what we do in the miniature world!


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