VolomirDo Not Miss Do Not Miss 2021 Week 29 By volomir - August 13, 2021 0 4706 1Aleesia’s true form, Arnau LázaroArnau’s version of the bust from Beyond Miniatures.2Veteran of Blackfire Pass by bitzboxerConverted by Jacob, from one of the characters of the Gaunt’s Ghosts.3Elder Scissor Knight by Sergio VilchesSergio’s version of this Kingdom Death model painted on commission.4Clansman Highlander, 1746, Latorre ModelsDigitally sculpted by Raúl García Latorre, available from AK Interactive.5Alpha Legion Lieutenant by Antonio PulvirentiConverted and painted by Olthar using bits from Liber Daemonica Bitz.6Re-Konnect Bust by Vincenzo CelesteVincenzo’s version of the bust from Robotrocket Miniatures7The Seven Deadly Sins by Francisco López PayáFrancisco’s version of the Seven Dwarves from Spira Mirabilis.8Kolt, Clay Project MiniaturesDigitally sculpted by André Mello based on concept art by Álvaro Jiménez, painted by Will Hahn9Gold Smoke Knight by Lorenzo SassoLorenzo’s version of this Kingdom Death model.10Orc warrior by Irina KrasnikovaVery cool version of this 3d printed model of an Orc.11Sigvald prince of Slaanesh by Mirko CavalloniMirko’s version of the Slaaneshi character, with a minor conversion to the size of the horns.12The Witcher by Ibai RamirezIbai’s version of the bust sculpted by Thorbjørn Barone.13Crazy Doc, step by step by Gautier GiroudPhotoprocess of Gautier’s process creating this 35mm model in Beesputty and Sculpey firm.14Gaia full version, Karol Rudyk ArtDigitally sculpted by Kristina Katunina based on a concept by Tomasz Ściolny and idea by Karol Rudyk.15Wolf Guard by ValbjornA very evocative Space Wolf converted by Valbjorn.16The Seven Sinners – Lust by Raffaele StumpoSculpted by Raffaele Stumpo based on concept art by Tommaso Lucchetti.17Xandria Azurebolt by Daniel VallejoInteresting sketchy version of a Xandria fallen to Chaos, from the Stormcast Eternals of the Warhammer Age of Sigmar range.