VolomirDo Not Miss Do Not Miss 2023 Week 44 By volomir - December 24, 2023 0 2969 1Goblins, Blacksun MiniaturesSculpted by Patrick Masson based on art by Adrian Smith, painted by Erik Swinson.2Historix, Scale75Cartoon busts with a historical twist, a project directed by Alfonso Giraldes.3Nosferatu, Akelarre ModelsGarbiñe Arroyo’s version of this bust for the Crimson Count KS campaign by Akelarre Models, sculpted by Muzafer Vaapov.4Vlad Tepes, Akelarre ModelsJaime de Garnica’s version of this model for the Crimson Count KS campaign by Akelarre Models.5Dracul, Akelarre ModelsDavid Arroba’s version of this model for the Crimson Count KS campaign by Akelarre Models.6Necromancer, LWM PaintingOutstanding paintjob on this bust sculpted by doses3d.7Ambush, Carlo MiniaturesBust sculpted for Carlo’s own miniature line.8Krazgar, LWM PaintingIncredible painting on this model from The Diddy Miniature Company.9Silvermoor Elves Bear Guardians, The Beholder MiniaturesFantastic High Elf proxies digitally sculpted for the range One Sin for Seven Kingdoms.10Amba, Axis Mundi GamesAmba – Eye of the Sun painted by Vincenzo Celeste.11Eralyn, Haze Studio MinisPainted by Vincenzo Celeste.12A fool and her lion by Norton McClureFantastic conversion using many kits from Games Workshop.