Do Not Miss 2017 Week 1


The paintjob by Sergio on the piece sculpted by Joaquín Palacios.

Truly epic sculpting by Joaquín Palacios, in a joint venture with Sergio Calvo.

First bust shown by the great Kirill Kanaev in 2017.

Like last year, Benoit posts all of his work of 2016 in one single post. Amazing stuff!

This instricate piece was sculpted by Patrick for the game Zombicide Black Plague.

A new 3D project by Laslo Forgach, something out of the usual war and warriors kind of subject.

Outstanding converted version of Lagertha from Nuts Planet by the Russian painter Ivan Melnikov. She’s now a Chaos Maiden!

Anthony Rodriguez continues his series of articles about basic techniques and considerations for miniature painting. This one about glazing is really useful!

The new Harry Potter line by Knightmodels is announced with this miniature preview in 35mm.

Interesting work on metallic surfaces by the very prolific painter Roman Gruba.

This piece, originally a sculpture by Benoit Cauchies, was inspired by the character created by Stieg Larsson in the famous series ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo’.

Roman started the new year showing us this little diorama using the ambience techniques he is been digging a lot lately.

The polish painter is the first we have seen to have painted this bust released in the last part of 2016.

Follow Arbal’s painting on this very famous bust from Nuts Planet.

Miniature painter, sculptor and huge enthusiast, established 2005. Very passionate about community, events and conventions, has won plenty awards in contests worldwide. Miniature art devotee, engineer, contest judge and teacher, focused on spreading the word of what we do in the miniature world!


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