Kirill’s undestanding of colour, surface and technique is out of this world. What a boxart paintjob on the newest release by Kimera Models.
One of my favourites in Monte San Savino 2016, Max’s creation starts with the concept art made by his girlfried, Cristina Carnino, and from there on Max ‘Amon’ sculpts and paints bringing the very personal artwork to life. Amazing!
Francesco’s version of Abel is a much more dark approach, we can see how a different style can change a mini so much.
A great scratchbuilt portrait of the old Jedi Master in 35mm, sculpted by Joaquín Palacios and painted by Sergio Calvo.
AoS28 is a great initiative to bring the dark and very personal style of John Blanche to the Age of Sigmar. These Aelves are a wonderful band for this initiative. So inspiring!
This conversion idea was very obvious, yet this is the first one I have seen. And it is as superb as the idea promised.
Probably all the Dragyiri sculpts by Patrick will make it to this list every week. We never get tired of them!
The Luxumbra Kickstater is breaking records in miniature painting history. This miniature is one of the perks offered by the campaign, both in Inifinty scale and 75mm for showcase painters.
Raffaele has been disconnected this past few weeks but he comes back to show this great work of ambience in this Conan in the snow.
Such a different proposal for a bust painting, we are seeing more and more new ideas in miniature painting lately.