Warcrow, II edition of the ‘Infinity: The Game’ painting contest


Corvus Belli strikes back with the second edition of its most important painting contest. It will take place in the 4th edition of Interplanetario, in Vigo (Spain) on the weekend of July 28-30.

As you know, Corvus Belli is without a doubt one of the main players in the miniature wargaming industry thanks to its wargame, Infinity, and it’s range of sci-fi miniatures of the highest quality, a true attraction for showcase painters.

Traditionally, the company’s main target has been wargamers. The miniatures, of exceptional design and quality, are painted beautifully by it’s lead box art painter, Ángel Giráldez. Corvus Belli is upping the stakes on the painting and hobby aspect of its business and has announced the second edition of the Infinity miniatures painting contest, Warcrow.

The first edition was quite a success and we hope the second will have even more participants. There’s two more categories this year! Conversions are now welcome and have their own special category! Also, last year there were very juicy awards for all winners… so based on that I personally would not let the opportunity pass by any means… 😉 You’ve been warned!

By the way, do you remember who was in the jury last year?

Captura de pantalla 2016-05-05 a la(s) 00.27.03

This year we will repeat as part of the jury so we will be there to let you know everything about the show!

We leave you know with some official information about the contest:

Warcrow Categories

These are the categories of the first edition of Warcrow:

  • Small individual miniature
  • Big individual miniatures
  • Dioramas. Composition of 2 or more miniatures on a scene.
  • Converted miniature: Unpainted miniatures will be admitted though some presentation will be valued positively (neutral grey priming). These pieces must have always a Corvus Belli Infinity miniature as a base.
  • Platoon (Group of at least three miniatures from the same army).
  • Specialist Crow The same miniature for all the participants established by the organization. This year: FAT YUAN YUAN.

Sponsors and Prizes

The sponsors will provide juicy prizes for all winners of the different categories, just as last year. Here is a list of current sponsors and prizes they provide, up to date (there may be more confirmed in the future):

  • CORVUS BELLI: Infinity range products (miniatures).
  • LUXUMBRA: Luxumbra range products (busts).
  • VALLEJO: Boxes and sets of acryllic paints.
  • MINIATURAMA: Lamps for painters, paints and brushes.
  • DIA CASH: Airbrushes, paints.
  • ÁNGEL GIRALDEZ: Painting books from AG, mugs by AG.
  • CUSTOMEEPLE: Paintracks.

Participation fees

  • Ticket during Interplanetario: 10€
  • Pre entry and up front payment: 8€

Miniatures Delivery

Pick up at the INTERPLANETARY STAFF Table:
  • FRIDAY 28: All day.
  • SATURDAY 29: Until 13:00hrs. 15:00 Display.


  • SUNDAY 30: from 13:00hrs. The miniatures will be picked up once the prizes have been awarded.
Miniature painter, sculptor and huge enthusiast, established 2005. Very passionate about community, events and conventions, has won plenty awards in contests worldwide. Miniature art devotee, engineer, contest judge and teacher, focused on spreading the word of what we do in the miniature world!


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