Do Not Miss 2016 Week 28


This new version of Major Tom is a wonderful demonstration of what can be achieved on a miniature with just paint.

This is an absolutely brilliant Empire Wizard painted by Ringil (Marina Ainagoz). It’s such a simple single miniature but yet so beautifully painted is breathtaking. Bravo!

This model by the company ‘Tank Model Company’ is a beautiful depiction of a Russian tanker in a wonderful pose.

The French master creates this bust of a Maya Woman in 8 cm.

All of Thomas’ creations for Kingdom Death are both beautiful and scary as hell. This is no exception! Straight out of your nightmares!

This bust is scaled for 1/4 human scale and it’s quite a nice depiction of an orc, sculpted by Anthony Watkins.

Another week where we have this miniature on the list, its presence completely deserved. Great work from Roman.

Living proof that boardgame miniatures well painted are absolutely amazing. Who doesn’t want a full ‘Alien Vs Predator’ game at this painting standard?

A great demonstration of how to paint miniatures for the tabletop without giving up on great colour schemes and painting. Amazing!

Miniature painter, sculptor and huge enthusiast, established 2005. Very passionate about community, events and conventions, has won plenty awards in contests worldwide. Miniature art devotee, engineer, contest judge and teacher, focused on spreading the word of what we do in the miniature world!


  1. Hi Volomir,

    The link to Mercenary Tom by Raffaela Picca seems to not be there? Can u correct or find a pic of this bust. And keep up the great work. The new site is Awesome!!

    Many thanks
    Richard Cordeiro
    South Africa

  2. Hi Richard,
    The link does work, it takes you to Raffaele Picca’s profile on facebook. Maybe you cannot see it because you guys are not friends there? I’m not sure if his profile is open to the open public. Anyway, there’s no more than the photo you can see here anyway.
    Cheers Richard!



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