Do Not Miss 2016 Week 49


Amazing collaboration between Joaquín Palacios and Marc Masclans for Terrible Kids Stuff.

The sculpture photos from Joaquín also deserve their own DNM entry!

Emuse’s very fine painting technique works wonders on this sculpture by Joaquín Palacios for Terrible Kids Stuff. This is the official boxart!

This amazing painting from Pepa is the official boxart for the Pedro Fernández Works release. Truly worth looking from all the angles!

Step by Step in a nutshell, so many information in just one photo!

Final three Space Marines to join the team, and the project is completed!

Awesome portrait of this movie character by Pavol Ovecka.

What a nice conversion and paintjob by Marina Ainagoz!

Such an expressive use of volumes and hair on this bust.

Black Sun has certainly given Joaquín a lot of work. This second centaur is also for their range. Very excited to see it painted! By Sergio Calvo most probably?

Really nice painting of this wonderful bust from Black Crow Miniatures.

Bust sculpted by Ki Yeol Yoon, soon to be available from the Korean company.

Another miniature from Kingdom Death painted by Bohun. Sculpted of course by the great Jacques-Alexandre Gillois.

Miniature painter, sculptor and huge enthusiast, established 2005. Very passionate about community, events and conventions, has won plenty awards in contests worldwide. Miniature art devotee, engineer, contest judge and teacher, focused on spreading the word of what we do in the miniature world!


  1. Absolutly fallen in love of Iguazzu’s metallics. It’s so nice to see true metal of this level.
    Thanks again for your Do Not Miss posts Volomir, I never miss one.


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