Do Not Miss 2018 Week 18


Extraordinary ambience and scene created in this boxed diorama.

Marina paints two beautiful alternate versions of this bust from Tartar Miniatures.

The way to paint rotten skin in the Kouzes way, incredibly explained in full detail by Larg’.

Still Work in Progress but the layout of the dwarven architecture is a “must see”.

How to create a realistic looking miniature tree with real roots almost exclusively.

Sculpture by Daniele Angelozzi, painting by Robert Carlsson, based on a concept by Walter Trono.

Sculpture by Brice Savina, painting by Aythami Alonso.

Sculpture by Nino Lorenzoni, painting by Francesco Farabi.

Gareth’s signature NMM and techniques applied to this otherwise quite dull canvas from LOTR.

Intense painting with sharp transitions where the beauty lies in the brushstrokes.

Article showing the painting process by Roman on his bust from Artefakt Miniatures.

Alarielle defends nature against the forces of death in this colourful diorama by Serafin.

Cool sculpture of a punk girl, expressive and rebellious!

Nice depiction in miniature bust of the famous portrait, a model by Alexandros Models.

This post summarizes what the contenders completed last year in the campaign to paint a 1,000 AoS army in the blog Modelbrush. We were so inspired by them that we decided to do our own in! Check them out because they are awesome.

The return of Roberto to the list after quite some time without publishing new creations.

Andy takes us through the painting of this bust from Kimera Models in

Miniature painter, sculptor and huge enthusiast, established 2005. Very passionate about community, events and conventions, has won plenty awards in contests worldwide. Miniature art devotee, engineer, contest judge and teacher, focused on spreading the word of what we do in the miniature world!


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