Designed by Beatriz Rebollo, sculpted by Adrian Rio, painted by Rubén Martínez, for the Black Sailors Kickstarter: Legends of the Jade Sea.
1/10 bust, sculpt in Super Sculpey Firm. K2 in “Banlieue 13” (District 13), is a 2004 French action film.
Designed by Beatriz Rebollo, sculpted by Adrian Rio, painted by Rubén Martínez, for the Black Sailors Kickstarter: Legends of the Jade Sea.
1/10 bust, sculpt in Super Sculpey Firm. K2 in “Banlieue 13” (District 13), is a 2004 French action film.
Aeringunr by Kirill Kanev….
It’s impressive the way Kirill is able to make always better. This guy has no limit.
Agreed… always the best… always the lead!