Do Not Miss 2020 Week 32


Incredible lighting effects on this model from Neko Galaxy.

Sculpted by Romain Van den Bogaert, painted by Marc Masclans.

The paintjob of these two dudes culminates in a duel scene with great composition and colour work on the scenery.

Víctor’s version of the Dwarf Miner from Spira Mirabilis sculpted by Lucas Pina.

Bohun used his very personal technique on the painting of the Wurmspat, the Nurgle warband from Warhammer Underworlds.

Sculpted by Pedro Fernández, painted by Pepa Saavedra.

Amazing sculpture of a Chaos Sorcerer in large scale, using Monster Clay.

Simple conversion with an awesome paintjob to represent this really cool idea, based on an Evocator of the Stormcast Eternals from Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

Started during a private painting lesson with Francesco Farabi, amazing result on this figure from Kimera Models.

Daniel’s version of this bust from Ouroboros Miniatures, designed by Edgar Marocsek.

A very artistic piece that was created for an art exhibit, to go alongside the work of artist Vierwind. The dollar bill is there to continue the message created by the artist.

Miniature painter, sculptor and huge enthusiast, established 2005. Very passionate about community, events and conventions, has won plenty awards in contests worldwide. Miniature art devotee, engineer, contest judge and teacher, focused on spreading the word of what we do in the miniature world!


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