A Tale of 12+1 Warlords: Checkpoint 1 painted points results


The 12+1 Warlords have just reported the results of their progress until this checkpoint. We just closed the first month of the campaign!

Checkpoint 1

Let’s first review the rules for the campaign:

  • Each participant will share their progress monthly.
  • After 3 months, there will be an important date (15/08/2017), in which each warlord must show that they have painted at least 500 points. Those who failed in this task at the 3 month checkpoint will be eliminated from the challenge.
  • After 6 months (15/11/2017) each participant will have to demonstrate the painting of a complete list of 1,000 points. Only those who made it to the end of the campaign will be submitted to the ruling of the audience who will determine which warlord did the best job.

The first month is gone now, so we have asked the Warlords to report their progress. We have received a good amount of photos of their progress, and since there are many pictures to show, we will be posting a separate update per Alliance. But before that, let’s see the points that each one has been able to fulfill. In theory, the Warlords that are complying with the deadlines are those that have completed at least 165 points (the red line that you will see marked in the bars).


Order Alliance

The Warlords of the Alliance Order are not doing a great job so far to say the least. What can we say, the truth is that Sigmar must be very disappointed with his troops at the moment. No one is innocent from the very sad performance shown by this alliance, and the only ones looking a bit better are Gryndal, with his very creepy face, and Mr. X who shamefully does not even dare to reveal his face. No one seems to follow the right pace to reach the 500 points in the third month and for the moment things do not seem to go well in this house. We’ll wait and see what each Warlord has to tell us separately to justify such poor progress.

Chaos Alliance

Things in the house of Chaos are looking much brighter. It seems that all its members are taking it very seriously. The highlight is obviously Javi who must be thinking that 6 months for 1000 points is an eternity. It is, without a doubt, the MVW (Most Valuable Warlord) of the campaign so far. Anyone on their right mind could say he’s lying to us, since his progress is unreal. Has he surrendered his soul to the gods of Chaos? His Legion of Azgorh seems to be almost finished already in the first Checkpoint and there’s actually 6 Checkpoints in total. We will have to audit him. He must be hiding something behind that ‘fucker’ look from this photo, telling us to shut up. It’s as if he is keeping a terrible secret about this success. It will be necessary to check the level of painting from these guys that they show to justify this progress!

Destruction Alliance

The progress in House Destruction is exactly that… a ‘Destruction’. From its members, only Momel seems to have done the strictly necessary to comply with the deadlines. The rest of its members are doing very bad, though we have been told that Lucas wants to surprise everyone with some conversions worthy of Gork and Mork. Is that the reason why he hasn’t touched a paintbrush yet?

Individual Ranking

It’s time to check now the individual ranking, based on points painted.

The points individual ranking is led, who would have thought, by our MVW Javi, meeting the deadline with absolute secutiry and ruling with fist of iron on the campaign. Some would almost say that this is embarrassing for the rest.

Barely keeping up with the challenge so far are Mommel, Armando, Mr. X, Phobos, Gryndal and Mariano. Apart from Mommel, none of them have been able to truly keep up with the proper painting pace, but it still looks like they should have no problems if they keep up at this rate.

However things are not looking so well for Nor, Berek, Lucas, Mitico, Paloji and Volomir.

Of the 12+1 Warlords, we already have 6 that do not seem to be going to last after the eliminatory checkpoint. Without a doubt, our ‘Hall of Shame’ of the month is led by these last three, leaders of his Order alliance, who have practically not even wet their brushes. ‘Shame, Shame, Shame’ goes to Mitico, Paloji and Volomir.

However, although it seems that a horrible end is coming for half of our Warlords, there are still 2 months left and many things can happen at this point.

In the next few days we will also share with you pictures of the progress made by each Warlord .

Some of them have very interesting things to show us! We need your opinions because remember that at the end of the campaign we will vote on the preferred Warlord of the audience. We must take into account both the progress level followed throughout the campaign and the painting standard of the minis achieved in the end.

Of course, that will only happen for the Warlords who manage to reach the end. At the moment it does not look very promising for half of them…

Stay tuned!

Miniature painter, sculptor and huge enthusiast, established 2005. Very passionate about community, events and conventions, has won plenty awards in contests worldwide. Miniature art devotee, engineer, contest judge and teacher, focused on spreading the word of what we do in the miniature world!



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