Do Not Miss 2017 Week 38


While juggling with A Tale of 12+1 Warlords, the great Lucas has created another wonderful old lady bust that was sold out in a few hours.

Incredible conversion of two great busts by Romain Van den Bogaert, with an amazing paintjob by Matt.

Converted from his own creation, this new version of his bust is super cool.

Based on the character of the french comic ‘Nains’.

Very cool painting of this historical miniature by Arnau.

Relaunched from Elite Series, sculpted by Raúl García Latorre and painted by Marc Masclans.

Nurgle is in favour these days, all the new creations coming in from Games Workshop are absolutely stunning.

Very attractive miniatures and paintjob by Marina Ainagoz.

Roman’s love of ambience light under study in this article.

Sergio’s personal version of Barin from Terrible Kids Stuff.

This is a miniature we absolutely love, and it is even more outstanding with Marc’s painting.

Julien’s treatment of this bust by Romain Van den Bogaert is amazing.

Path to Glory is an amazing campaign (just like our Tale of a 12+1 Warlords) and they are creating armies as cool as this one from Juju.

Sculpted by Pedro Fernández, starting his line ‘Visceral Series’.

Remarkable creation for Twisted: The Game based on concept by Nicolas Amoroso.

Very simple conversion creating a unique piece in this version of the famous barbarian from Silver Tower.

Cool little creation by Leo for Ouroboros Miniatures.

Super cool boat diorama with great weathering effects.

Sculpted by Jonatan Monerris and painted by Iván Hortal.

Official photos from the Fallen Angel 2017 contest in Madrid.

Miniature painter, sculptor and huge enthusiast, established 2005. Very passionate about community, events and conventions, has won plenty awards in contests worldwide. Miniature art devotee, engineer, contest judge and teacher, focused on spreading the word of what we do in the miniature world!


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