Sunday, September 8, 2024
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A Tale of 12+1 Warlords

A Tale of 12+1 Warlords: Checkpoint 3 Destruction Alliance updates

Destruction is about to show some of the best miniatures seen so far in the painting campaign. Brace yourselves! Alliance Destruction Checkpoint 3 Mommel The general of Destruction, his...

A Tale of 12+1 Warlords: Checkpoint 1 Chaos Alliance updates

It's time now to check in detail what the members of the Chaos hordes have been able to accomplish. Chaos Alliance Checkpoint 1 Our evil friends...

A Tale of 12+1 Warlords: Checkpoint 1 painted points results

The 12+1 Warlords have just reported the results of their progress until this checkpoint. We just closed the first month of the campaign! Checkpoint 1 Let's first...

A Tale of 12+1 Warlords: The final voting!

Time has come for the final voting! Choose your favourite Warlord from those who managed to finish! How? Simply visit our facebook album for the Tale and...

A Tale of 12+1 Warlords: Checkpoint 5 results and deadline changes

It's been a while since out last udpate! We owe you some fresh news from the Warlords! During the past few weeks, the supreme Warlord Council...