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A Tale of 12+1 Warlords

A Tale of 12+1 Warlords: Checkpoint 2 Chaos Alliance updates

Time for Chaos! Alliance Chaos Checkpoint 2 This Alliance is doing a great job and has painted what they were supposed to. Or even more! Javi The case...

A Tale of 12+1 Warlords: Checkpoint 4 painted points results

It's already been a month since the definitive Checkpoint 3 and the Warlords are probably suffering from painting hangover. The mid campaign milestone was...

A Tale of 12+1 Warlords: Checkpoint 2 Destruction Alliance updates

To finish up with Checkpoint 2 of the campaign, let's take a look in detail about what the members of House Destruction have done. Alliance...

A Tale of 12+1 Warlords: Checkpoint 3 painted points results

August is normally a month for holidays in many countries in the northern hemisphere. But not for the Warlords! The deadline for the dreaded...

Fallen Angel and A Tale of 12+1 Warlords this weekend

The second edition of the Fallen Angel painting contest will happen this weekend in Madrid! Check out all the information from the event (only in...

A Tale of 12+1 Warlords: Checkpoint 2 painted points results

Our deepest apologies! The 12+1 Warlords reached the second checkpoint on July 15, but real world work and trips have prevented us from updating the...

Introducing ‘A Tale of 9 Warlords’ – The 1,000 points Warhammer Age of Sigmar...

Today we introduce a very fun challenge between a group of friends, miniature and wargame enthusiasts. A challenge between 9 friends to build an...

A Tale of 12+1 Warlords: Checkpoint 1 Destruction Alliance updates

Let's review the updates coming from House Destruction! Alliance Destruction Checkpoint 1 Mommel The leader of the Destruction boys up to this point is Mommel. He has...

A Tale of 12+1 Warlords: Checkpoint 4 Order Alliance updates

With quite a bit of delay this month, we want to finally show you what the Alliance Order has been up to right after...

A Tale of 12+1 Warlords: Checkpoint 5 results and deadline changes

It's been a while since out last udpate! We owe you some fresh news from the Warlords! During the past few weeks, the supreme Warlord Council...