Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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The Warmaster's Crusade

The Warmasters’ Crusade – Presentations – Enemies of the Imperium

On the other side of the coin, we have the Warmasters who defend interests different from those of the Emperor. Xenos, Chaos, all kinds of...

The Warmasters’ Crusade – Presentations – Imperium

The Warmasters Crusade will separate the contenders in two groups. Today we present, the Imperium! Defenders of mankind, these are the Warmasters loyal to the...

Introducing ‘The Warmaster’s Crusade’ – The 1,000 points Warhammer 40k painting challenge!

After the awesome time we had with A Tale of 12+1 Warlords, the painting group gathers again! It's time for Warhammer 40k! "In the grim...