VolomirDo Not Miss Do Not Miss 2020 Week 26 By volomir - July 14, 2020 0 5117 1Uther by FlameonIncredible version of Uther from Black Crow Miniatures, painted in the very personal way of Maciek Banasik ‘Flameon’.2The Mourning, Dragonhead Models Sculpted by Joaquín Palacios based on concept art by Diego Gisbert.3Merlin, Big Child CreativesSculpted by Daniel Fernández-Truchaud based on concept by Pedro Núñez.4Liath the Druid, Kimera ModelsSculpted by África Mir, painted by Marc Masclans.5Custodes Shield Captain on bike by MonstroysPawel Makuch creates this Custodes inspired by Ghost Rider with amazing lighting effects.6Cyberpunk sailor by Igor GurochkinSculpted and painted by Igor.7Ogroid Myrmidon by Iván SerraIván’s version of the gladiator Ogroid from GW’s Warcry.8Khorne Daemonkin by Raffaele StumpoSculpted in 54mm based on the art from the Khorne Daemonkin book by GW.9Ghazghkull Thraka by Sion ScanellSion’s great version of the Ork leader uses a very interesting lighting effect from below.10Warlord Ghaz Mazar by Pax_acrylicaAnother great old-school-inspired Ork Warlord from Eugene.11El Trio Calavera by Trent DenisonTrent’s version of the pirate trio from Spira Mirabilis.12Miss Fireiness by Vladimir SychevBeautiful take on the second of four elements, fire.13Dorothy, Pedro Fernández WorksSculpted by Pedro Fernández.14Ulrik the Viking, Phlegyas ArtSculpted by Raffaele Stumpo based on art by Claudio Casini.15Sons of Cereulean Commander by beboppaintsConverted by Josh Petty, painted by Kevin ‘beboppaints’.16Stay safe, use synth by Dmitry FesechkoCyberpunk composition full of easter eggs, using a model from Chronos Miniatures.