VolomirDo Not Miss Do Not Miss 2022 Week 28 By volomir - August 29, 2022 0 3572 1Jade, Ignis ArtDigitally sculpted by Danko based on art by Melanie Delon, painted by Michal Pisarski ‘Lan’.2Rocco by Sergio CalvoSergio’s version of the classic model sculpted by Allan Carrasco for Figone.3Lady Godiva by Ana MachowskaAna’s version of this model from Mathie Papauré based on the painting by John Maler Collier.4Stormcast Eternals cover fan art by Daniel Fernández TruchautDaniel’s digital sculpture based on the cover of the Stormcast Eternals battletome.5Urhuk by Remy TremblayRemy’s version of the bust from Black Crow Miniatures.6Òlafur, Aradia MiniaturesSculpted by Joaquín Palacios based on art by Stefano Moroni, painted by Marko Miladinović.7Shroomancer by KAHAKAHA’s version of the famous goblin from the Goobapalooza by Games Workshop.8The Mandalorian by Miguel MatíasPainted on commission based on a STL model from Gambody and printed by Miguel.9Ajani Goldmane by Ladislav MajerLadislav’s version of the model from Yedharo Models converted into Ajani, the Planeswalker from Magic: The Gathering.10Blood Bowl Halfling by Lux ThantorSculpted for a friend in 24mm.11Ma Rainey of the Colonies, Twisted Minions of the EngineSculpted by Sebastian Archer.12Trasgo King by Luis Gómez PradalLuis’ version of the Goblin King from The Hobbit by Games Workshop.13Bird Girl by Last Light CreativeConversion made on commission.14Red Angel by Vlad Fox SculptureSculpted based on Angron, the Primarch from Warhammer 40k.15Tooth Fairy by Raffaele StumpoSculpted in fimo and green stuff.16Kastelan of Leyndell by Pax AcrylicaVery original creation by Eugene using putty and bits from Games Workshop kits.17Kharn the Betrayer repose by Last Light CreativeLast Light Creative’s converted version of Kharn the Betrayer