Do Not Miss 2016 Week 18


The best on the miniaturesphere for the week 18 of 2016.

Gimnir has been painting for some time now this glorious unit of Black Orcs. And here he shows it, finally finished!

Brandon is very famous for his huge custom built armies, and in this one he really made something authentically unique! Now he shares somes of the pics of the process where he shows some of the secrets behind the scenes.

Great ambience exercise on this Ares Mythologic miniature.

Box art by Enrique Velasco (Emuse) for the company Blacksmith Miniatures. It’s amazing what Enrique can accomplish on an apparently small and simple figurine. The miniature is a sculpture of Maxime Penaud based on concept art by Babbyan.

Jonatan showed us this sneek peak of what presumably will be his next commercial work.

The very prolific Roman Lappat shows off on this Viking bust from Nocturna Models.

The newest release from Black Sun Miniatures is another barbarian in 75mm by the master Joaquín Palacios. It is based on concept art by Roberto Cirillo.

Latest release from the Spanish company. This time the sculpture is from Lucas Pina and the box art is the work of Marc Masclans. As you can see, there is a very evident influence from Tolkien’s “The Hobbit”.

James is creating a band based on board walks. We are sure you will find this article useful and inspiring for your own bases.

The guys from the blog “Chestnut Ink” show us how to easily paint a galaxy themed base, using as canvas de new line of resin plinths by Darkmessiah.

Miniature painter, sculptor and huge enthusiast, established 2005. Very passionate about community, events and conventions, has won plenty awards in contests worldwide. Miniature art devotee, engineer, contest judge and teacher, focused on spreading the word of what we do in the miniature world!


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