Do Not Miss 2017 Week 24


A jawdropping 75mm boxart for Castle Miniatures.

Nakatan builds this scene from scratch, based on the very famous character from Final Fantasy VII.

75mm dogs for the series “dogs life” from Castle miniatures. Sculpted by Владимир Данилов.

A few changes to an old bust and we have a completely new one.

Bloodreaper boxart for Mindwork Games by Fausto Palumbo.

The second installment in the in depth inteview with Alfonso in

Sculpted by Raúl García Latorre for Black Crow Miniatures.

Really cool sculpture based on a famous comic character.

Super cool paintjob of a Romain Van den Bogaert sculpture.

Very interesting painting of unnatural skin in this vampire bust.

Francesco has been able to paint the commercial version of Atonement as the box art for the set.

Sculpted by Pedro Fernández for the newly created company Mirico.

Max Faleij’s version of a Crimson Fist’s Primaris Marine.

A female barbarian sculpted by Olivier Bouchet.

A study of greens in this composition based on nature’s beauty.

Small miniatures with a lot of character.

A diorama with some old school Rackham miniatures.

More Kingdom Death pinups from Ringil.

Miniature painter, sculptor and huge enthusiast, established 2005. Very passionate about community, events and conventions, has won plenty awards in contests worldwide. Miniature art devotee, engineer, contest judge and teacher, focused on spreading the word of what we do in the miniature world!


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