VolomirDo Not Miss Do Not Miss 2024 Week 52 By volomir - February 2, 2025 0 1037 1Mephiston, Chief Librarian, Arnau LázaroArnau’s version of this large scale version of the 40k character, sculpted by Joaquín Palacios.2Old Kingsbury Aerodrome by Andrea Cingolani and Konstantin PinaevBest of Historical MSS24, one of the “Bests” given at the contest (check the others as well on the link). 3Slaanesh Space Marine by Robert KarlssonRobert’s depiction of a Slaaneshi Space Marine as a bust.4Gnome riding a chicken by Lux ThantorSculpted as a Christmas gift for a friend.5Chaos Lord of Khorne by Rodrigo CiprésRodrigo’s paintjob on this model converted by Raffaele Stumpo.6Konrad Kurze by zhaolihanFantastic interpretation for the Primarch of the Night Lords of Warhammer 40k.7Shōgatsu Tsubaki, Axis Mundi GamesDigitally sculpted by Warren CG.