50 Articles and Tutorials to ‘Do not Miss’ from 2017


The year 2017 has left us a lot of great articles, tutorials and photo processes that have taught us great tricks and valuable techniques. To finalize our review of 2017, here is a list of 50 tutorials and articles to ‘Do Not Miss’. Taken from our weekly collection of articles we have seen in the 52 weeks of 2017.

Don’t forget to follow our weekly selection of Do Not Miss in 2018 to stay tuned to everything cool in the miniature painting world!

Son of Khorne Project File by Raffaele Picca

The Step by Step article from Raffa Picca where he tells us how he created his Son of Khorne.

Wet blending tutorial by Pirate Monkey Painting

The next installment in the series by Anthony Rodriguez on essential miniature painting techniques.

Mamabúho process by Lucas Pina

Watching Lucas work is always immensely instructive.

Broken glass tutorial by Josua Lai and Roman Lappat

Inspiring ideas and helpful tips to create broken glass for your pieces.

Illusion of a troubled mind by Mamais Stathis

Incredible photoprocess of the creation of this great diorama, completely scratch built.

Lion Shield Step by Step by Rodrigo Ciprés

Very instructive freehand process inspired by World of Warcraft, on a Stormcast Eternal shield.

King of Goblins WIP by Lucas Pina

The usual step by step photo process by Lucas Pina, about the making of the King of Goblins bust.

Avatar of Khaine by Mörback

This conversion idea was very obvious, yet this is the first one I have seen. And it is as superb as the idea promised.

Esthel Tutorial by Redav

Extraordinary article in great format about the painting of this magnificent bust by Redav.

Stepwise WIP by Pedro Fernández

A work in progress series of pics of Pedro’s work on this bust depicting the main character from the Assasin’s Creed movie.

Feathering by Pirate Monkey Painting

Anthony Rodriguez continues his series of articles about basic techniques and considerations for miniature painting. Now is the turn for feathering / wet blending / whatever you want to call it!

Chris Suhre’s Spotlight on Composition

Remarkable article on composition, this is truly a Do Not Miss for everyone, posted in the blog Lost in the Warp.

Deathwatch Space Marine Tutorial by Roman Lappat

Instructive and eye opener article on how to paint Space Marines in a very fast way starting with the grisaille technique, in Massive Voodoo.

Ivan the Terrible, article by Marc Mussat

Cool freehands with useful tips explained in this article in figurementors.com.

Golden Smoke Knight Tutorial by Ivankaiser

Comprehensive tutorial on the painting of this boardgame miniature, very interesting!

Orruk armour tutorial by Tomáš Pekař

Thorough photo process tutorial on painting the armour of this Orruk from Shadespire.

Object Source Lighting tutorial by David Diamondstone

Very instructive article talking about OSL painting in general.

Medusa WIP by Gautier Giroud

Instructive process of the sculpting of Medusa by Gautier Giroud.

Step by Step Vizar by Roman Lappat

Roman’s love of ambience light under study in this article.

Space Marine Primaris Captain in Black Armour by Jeroni Carmona

Article where Jero takes us through his way of painting blacks in this Space Marine.

How to Create Ice World Bases by Mörback

Great idea to create ice bases in Le Blog des Kouzes.

Building better splashes by David Soper

Amazing and useful tutorial about water splashes by David Soper.

Creating worn leather texture with paint by David Powell

Thorough explanation on painting worn leather, in figurementors.com.

Strigoi Step by Step by Roman Lappat

An article on how Roman achieved this extraordinary version based on Gurmuth by Hera Models.

NMM Tutorial by Johann

Thorough tutorial on NMM painting by Johann in the blog Chestnut Ink.

Aenor Step by Step by Raúl García Latorre

Every process we can follow from the master is an absolute jewel.

How to paint Ultramarine blue armour by Lan

The extraordinary painting and technique by Lan, explained in steps in a few pictures.

Masters Interview with Alfonso Giraldes in figurementors.com

An extensive interview to Alfonso where we can see the artist spilling his guts around his vision of the miniature world.

Painting worn leather by David Soper

Interesting article on painting worn leather on the bust C-Girl Akito.

Nythgor the Unbreakable Step by Step by Diego Esteban

Article about how Dieguete painted his own version of Nythgor, the dwarf sculpted by Raúl García Latorre for Hera Models.

Gentlefolk Blacksmith by Sebastian Archer

An always instructive sculpting tutorial by Sebastian, for his game Twisted.

Dino Rider, Joaquín Palacios and Marc Masclans

Photo process of the painting by Marc of the Dino Rider, sculpted by Joaquín Palacios.

Step by Step of a Tower for a diorama by Cutty

This article is quite old but we saw it very recently and it is worth sharing even if a few years have gone by!

OSL by Artem Romanov

Read Artem’s thoughts on OSL painting.

Gulliman Step by Step by Arsies

Comprehensive step by step article on the painting of the Ultramarine Primarch in Javier’s very own style.

Painting the Abyssal Warlord by David Soper

David explains how he approaches the painting of the Abyssal Warlords from Scale75.

Masters Interview with Alfonso “Banshee” Giraldes Pt2

The second installment in the in depth inteview with Alfonso in figurementors.com.

Sculpting hair, beards and other furs by Gregory Girault

Very useful article with many examples, in figurementors.com

Stipling by Pirate Monkey Painting

The ancient technique of stipling, as explained by Anthony Rodriguez in his blog.

Step by Step Dumah Lord of Bones by Roman Lappat

You may feel it is repetitive to say that giving out colours recipes is useless, but it is such an important message that we should repeat it over and over and over again. Another great example of it.

Painting Bretonnia by Jeroni Carmona

Jero is painting a lot lately, and these Bretonnians are precisely our cup of tea. Such awesome painting!

Rebel Pilot Step by Step by Luis Martín Espada

Very interesting photo process by Luis on the painting of this Rebel Pilot, based on a miniature from Terrible Kids Stuff.

The Science of Oil Paints with Kyle Kolbe

Another great article in figurementors.com, this time a highly comprehensive and useful review of oil paints by Kyle Kolbe.

Nurse stockings step by step by Ringil

Marina shows us a quick photoprocess on painting stockings on a Kingdom Death miniature.

Skin tone step by step by Ringil

Yet another quick photoprocess by Marina, this time on painting skin tones on a Kingdom Death miniature.

Proper use of two component water resin by Josua Lai

Amazing article with insights and tips into the very difficult art of water in model making, by Josua Lai in Massive Voodoo.

Thor Step by Step by Sergio Calvo

We love these mini articles from Sergio.

Pirate Monkey Basics – Glazing

Anthony Rodriguez continues his series of articles about basic techniques and considerations for miniature painting. This one about glazing is really useful!

Step by Step Silverback by Roman Lappat

Insights into Roman’s artistic process on this gorilla bust.

Ultramarine Primaris by Rubén Torregrosa

Rubén shows us a very easy process to paint weathered Space Marine armour (only in Spanish).

Miniature painter, sculptor and huge enthusiast, established 2005. Very passionate about community, events and conventions, has won plenty awards in contests worldwide. Miniature art devotee, engineer, contest judge and teacher, focused on spreading the word of what we do in the miniature world!



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