VolomirDo Not Miss Do Not Miss 2018 Week 20 By volomir - May 22, 2018 2 5354 1Death by Arnau LázaroSuper inspiring paintjob on this bust sculpted by Ju Won Jung.2Queen of the North by John ChanAmazing version of this bust from Nuts Planet.3Ugg the Troll on ‘The Chicken Quest’ tutorial, Big ChildPhotoprocess on the paintjob of Ugg’s face.4Fuck the war by Roman GrubaSuper cool take on this soldier bust, very personal and full of message.5Sergio Durán, Spanish Buccaneer, 1671, Peter Punk Produktions, FeR MiniaturesSculpture by Jonatan Monerris, painting by Marc Masclans.6Congregation of the Burning Star by GMM StudiosAmazing army on commission featuring a darker version of a Stormcast host.7Step by Step Tesla bust by Roman LappatExperimenting with electricity in this article explaining the painting of this bust from Infamy Models.8Shadespire Orruks by Tomas PekarPerfect class on how to improve models to take them to the next level before the contest.9Mother of Dragons, Kabuki StudioDigitally sculpted by Raúl García Latorre.10Deep Ones full team by Roberto ChaudonAll the sculpts of Deep Ones by Roberto for the Slumbering Oblivion boardgame.11Gaul Chieftain by Ernesto ReyesReally nice textures and colour choices for this historical bust.12Orcquest Warpath sculpts by Gael GoumonThese are some interesting designs for the boardgame Orcquest Warpath.13Igrak, Pedro Fernández WorksSculpted by Pedro Fernández14Painting a horse with Julio CabosPhotoprocess depicting the painting of a horse in different steps with airbrush and brush.15Black Rose Wars by Bellerofone Art StudioPaint and graphic design for the kickstarter of Black Rose Wars by Ludus Magnus Studio.16Pinup Savior 2.0 by RingilA second version of this pinup from Kingdom Death.17MFCA Show 2018 ReportReport in the facebook site ‘Competition Minis’.
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