Do Not Miss 2018 Week 23


Lucas’ latest creation for Spira Mirabilis is this very primal looking orc bust.

This time as new release for Black Sun Miniatures, the next in Allan’s very personal line of half humans, these are half Pentaceratops, father and son.

Follow the sculpting process of Lucas Pina in this photoprocess log for the Orc Kong bust.

Diorama winner of the Paint-O-Palooza holy grail in Berlin 2018.

Magnus’ version of the Goblin King is this quite dark paintjob over Lucas’ original sculpture.

Stanislav’s version of this rider from the catalogue of Pegaso Models.

John’s squad of Nurgle warriors looks amazing and full of disease, it will make father Nurgle very proud.

Roman’s painting over the original bust from FeR Miniatures.

A very nice Necromunda Gang, Silver in Golden Demon UK 2018.

Another one sculpted by Roberto for Slumbering Oblivion. 60mm high to the eye line. Fimo and Super Sculpey.

Victor’s painting over the original model from Black Sun, sculpted by Joaquín Palacios. Inspired by Garrosh from World of Warcraft.

Rafa’s version of this magnificent bust from Black Crow miniatures.

Roman’s version of this bust from Hera Models.

David’s heavy OSL version of the Wizard of Agni from Ben Komets Miniatures.

A Cultist Squad Leader, sculpted for Slumbering Oblivion. 40mm high to the eye line in Fimo and Magic Sculpt.

Super cool conversion of the Citadel Steamtank into this Old World model from Warhammer, explained in the blog Modelbrush.

Report by Jaume Ortiz Forns.

Miniature painter, sculptor and huge enthusiast, established 2005. Very passionate about community, events and conventions, has won plenty awards in contests worldwide. Miniature art devotee, engineer, contest judge and teacher, focused on spreading the word of what we do in the miniature world!


  1. And once again -a HUUUUUGE -thanks to MY BUD VOLIMIR -I appreciate the eye on my most treasured objects-MY WORK- thank you so so much for being a staple in our awesome hobby/ craft community and always giving young artists a big smile when it’s hanpicked by you!!!
    All Hail miniature painting
    Thank you VOLOMIR!!!

  2. I am captivated by the level of talent displayed here at this site, the painting and sculpting of figures and busts is amazing and the best it’s ever been in this hobby. Keep it coming, Volomir!


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