Do Not Miss 2018 Week 25


A magnificent sculpture to be released by Black Sun Miniatures in September 2018.

The new edition of Warhammer AoS comes with awesome new models, and above them all, we find this astonishing character sculpted by Steve Party.

Painting by Iván of the gnome bust from Spira Mirabilis.

Such a cool paintjob on this Alice in Wonderland model in 150mm.

Huge contrast in this piece, originally a bust sculpted by Pedro Fernández.

This is Max’s entry to the Celestial invitational contest, his very own vision of G’Gong.

Boxart for Ares Mythologic.

Ángel painted this miniature from Pedro Fernández Works as a tribute to his friend Iván Hortal

Very nice colour experiment on this bust originally sculpted by Remy Tremblay.

Designed by Raúl García Latorre on a concept by Rapaz_Art.

It’s always incredibly instructive to read Roman’s process when making amazing bases for his miniatures.

An amazing classic from Andrea Miniatures painted on commission by Javier González ‘Arsies’.

Christian performs this simple but awesome conversion and creates this female Stormcast character for his personal collection.

Miniature painter, sculptor and huge enthusiast, established 2005. Very passionate about community, events and conventions, has won plenty awards in contests worldwide. Miniature art devotee, engineer, contest judge and teacher, focused on spreading the word of what we do in the miniature world!


  1. First, I realy appreciate your weekly posts. Nice to have a “go to spot” to see miniatures from around the internet.

    Second, as I am a GW mini collector I wonder where do you get the infos about who sculpted the new releases? Sadly GW stopped mentioning it in the White Dwarf a couple of years ago.

    • I know! It’s so frustrating because the sculpts are awesome and the designer deserves some credit (so does the painter by the way…). I have to ask directly to people I know inside GW to get the information as it is not common knowledge.

      Thanks for your comments SPlatte, I really appreciate it. Your feedback gives us fuel to continue doing what we do! 🙂


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