Do Not Miss 2020 Week 35


Sculpted by Iván Santurio, painted by Rubén Martínez, for the Massive Dragons Fantasy Football line.

Sculpted by Lucas Pina.

Sculpted by Valerio Terranova based on artwork by Vincenzo Lamolinara, painted by Massimiliano Richiero.

An incredible choice of colours for the Necron Overlord from Indomitus.

ZabaLukas’ version of the Rhino sculpted by Allan Carrasco.

Really cool reposing and added details on this character from the Horus Heresy.

Sculpted by Radmir Akhmetov, painted by Alexander Habas, released by Denis Maksheev (Fan Art Models).

Sculpted by Lua Garo (Somnia Crawler), painted by Arnau Lázaro.

Instructive photoprocess of his very personal sculpting process on this minotaur for Spellcrow Studio.

Nice choice of colours and brilliance effects on this Ogroid from Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower.

A member of a commissioned Kill Team completely scratchbuilt, sculpted in fimo.

A bunch of really cool and old school sculptures of dwarves.

Ernest’s peculiar vision of historical miniatures is many times refreshing.

Miniature painter, sculptor and huge enthusiast, established 2005. Very passionate about community, events and conventions, has won plenty awards in contests worldwide. Miniature art devotee, engineer, contest judge and teacher, focused on spreading the word of what we do in the miniature world!


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