VolomirDo Not Miss Do Not Miss 2022 Week 3 By volomir - February 5, 2022 0 3198 1Zogh, Black Crow MiniaturesDigitally sculpted by Iván Mata, painted by David Arroba.2Thondir The Bridge Keeper, Joaquín Palacios StudioDigitally sculpted by Joaquín Palacios for his own miniature range.3Emalda Braskov by David ColwellDavid’s version of the character from Warhammer Quest: Cursed City.4Ghita of Alizarr by Boris WoloszynCharacter sculpted on commission.5Goblin Maul by Dario ColasantiDario’s version of the Goblin King by Ouroboros Miniatures is a depiction of the character from Star Wars.6Dem Khorne Demon Boyz Ain’t So Tuff by Siege StudiosAmazing conversion of an Ork Warboss.7Phoenix Lord Asurmen photoprocess by Raffaele StumpoThe WIP pictures of the sculpting of the Eldar Phoenix Lord.8Mercenary Goblin by Roman LappatRoman’s version of the goblin bust by Spira Mirabilis.9Sunset by Olmo CastrilloThis study of reflections is a very interesting proposal.10Artilleryman of the Revolution, Medieval Forge MiniaturesSculpted by Igor Gulyaev, painted by Magnus Fagerberg.11Murloc by Toni GarcíaToni’s version of this creature digitally sculpted by Bulat Satuchin.12The Viking by Marco OrselliMarco’s version of this bust from Young Miniatures.13Vae Victis by Luis SanzInteresting scene of some Celts invading a Roman villa.14Goliath by Konstiantyn VoronovskyiKonstiantyn’s version of this 3D printed model of the character from Gargoyles.15The Alchemist by Alfonso FlorenAlfonso’s version of the bust by Spira Mirabilis.16Ole Lukoye by Stanislav MokhovCute story in miniature.