10 years ago, my first Golden Demon


A little walk down memory lane…


On this very day, November 26 exactly 10 years ago, I attended my first Golden Demon event. It was 2006 in Barcelona, and it was the time of the good old Spanish Team forum, of the good old Raspura Oscura team, and many many great new friends were made that day. Friends that still today I can count as some of the best.

In this show, the first of many to come afterwards, I discovered the real joy of miniature modelling for me. After a few months of working hard on my first showcase miniature entry, with the help of great friends (Adrián Prado, Alfonso Giraldes, Elías Alonso…), enjoying every second of it, the sleepless nights, the neverending joy of shared painting with friends… after all that, I experienced the great moment of picking up an award, the moment when the crowd cheers your name, happy and proud because after all you made it. All of them great friends still ten years after.


The following video, with serious quality deficiencies (consider the cameras back then), shows the exact moment where it all started!

I’m sure some of you where there that day and can appreciate it. Here is the second part of the whole award ceremony:

What a great day that was!

To celebrate it, I will start picking up my old gallery from the blogspot site and bring the photos here, where they should be. Starting of course with the first piece, the ‘Rough Riders on Cold Ones’ that got me that first Golden Demon award.

Stay tuned!

Miniature painter, sculptor and huge enthusiast, established 2005. Very passionate about community, events and conventions, has won plenty awards in contests worldwide. Miniature art devotee, engineer, contest judge and teacher, focused on spreading the word of what we do in the miniature world!


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