Marc’s amazing boxart for Terrible Kids Stuff. A miniature originally sculpted by Allan Carrasco, based on a concept by the great Karl Kopinski.
The sculpture by Allan Carrasco for Terrible Kids Stuff, based on a concept by the great Karl Kopinski. Quite old actually, it was sculpted in 2014, and not released until today!
Sergio’s paintjob of the Cerberus sculpted by Joaquín Palacios for the Divine Comedy Kickstarter campaign from Aradia Miniatures.
The sculpting job by Joaquín Palacios for the Divine Comedy Kickstarter campaign from Aradia Miniatures.
The dominion of Jason in the use of skintones is overwhelming, check out this 1:9 bust from Racoon Miniatures painted by the master.
This is an unusual painting style for the miniature world, but it is a very interesting proposal, a breath of fresh air! The boxart for the Divine Comedy Kickstarter campaign from Aradia Miniatures.
Ernest is runnning away from smooth paintjobs using very evocative and personal palettes, and paintjobs filled with brushstrokes and textures. You can find more of his latest works in his blog.
The boxart painting by Rusto of Caronte, for the Divine Comedy Kickstarter campaign from Aradia Miniatures.
You may feel it is repetitive to say that giving out colours recipes is useless, but it is such an important message that we should repeat it over and over and over again. Another great example of it.
Jero is painting a lot lately, and these Bretonnians are precisely our cup of tea. Such awesome painting!
Wow, I never expected to make Volomir’s Do Not Miss! Thanks mate, you have made my day!
Keep it up man! Great work 🙂