VolomirDo Not Miss Do Not Miss 2017 Week 37 By volomir - September 19, 2017 0 7683 1Sacrifice by Joaquín PalaciosA huge kit sculpted by Joaquín for Black Sun Miniatures.2Seth by Arnau LázaroBox art painting by Arnau of this outstanding model by Nocturna.3Space Marine Primaris Captain in Black Armour by Jeroni CarmonaArticle where Jero takes us through his way of painting blacks in this Space Marine.4Albrork the Damned by Andy WardleAndy’s version of this Black Sailor’s bust.5Captain Ghost, Green Monkey ModelsSculpted by Eduardo Velayos Ortega and painted by Aythami Alonso Torrent.6Barbarian by Jun Sik AhnA female barbarian bust sculpted for Nuts Planet.7WW2 Soviet Female Tanker by Sang Eon LeeThe painting by Sang Eon Lee on his own sculpture.8Viking Chief by Arnau LázaroDark and contrasted paintjob on this large historical miniature.9Marcus by Sergio CalvoOfficial paintjob by Sergio Calvo for Black Sun Miniatures.10Batman Starter Sets, KnightmodelsThe newest edition of Batman Miniatures Game comes with amazing miniatures in great starter sets.11Master of the generic abomination by Patrick MassonA sculpture made in 2012 for Dark Age on a concept by Girgios Dimitriou.12A diorama inside a cell phone by Jorge Fernández SeoaneAnything can be a canvas for miniature creations. Especially if you are trapped in nowadays technology…13The Flame of Tzeentch by Pawel MakuchCool magic flames shine bright on this Tzeentch model.14Step by Step Silverback by Roman LappatInsights into Roman’s artistic process on this gorilla bust.15Yellow Space Marine Primaris by emuseEnrique’s yellow paintjob on this Space Marine was meant to be raffled at the Fallen Angel 2017.16Barbarian King by Anton PryakhinInteresting textures and skin colours on this Barbarian King.17Infinity Ariadna Tankhunter 1/35 scale by d|bAn exclusive Infinity vignette made as a gift to a great friend.