Do Not Miss 2019 Week 5


Marc’s tasteful take on Lucas Pina’s Goblin King bust for Spira Mirabilis.

Sculpted and painted by Sang-Eon Lee.

There’s a lot of knowledge about physical miniature sculpting in this article for Massive Voodoo.

Loving Ben’s style on this bust from Romain Van den Bogaert.

Sculpted by Charles Agius.

Great conversions and ideas in Cagn’s warband for the 2018 Warband Challenge by Les Kouzes.

There are some very nice textures to work with in this cool scene of a troll and a dwarf in 75mm.

Full body version of the Hera Models orc, this time painted by Sergio Calvo.

Such a cool conversion of the guitar into a keytar, and amazing synthwave background and environment.

Follow Fernando as he makes his way into the painting of this historical model for his own range.

We love this conversion of a giant into a more goblin like mushroom themed monster.

There is great beauty in simplicity.

This article in Massive Voodoo is great if you want to know more about making scenes in 1:72 scale.

Don’t get lost on painting yellowish green-skins with this tutorial.

Simple but useful tutorial to paint a chainsaw easily.

Miniature painter, sculptor and huge enthusiast, established 2005. Very passionate about community, events and conventions, has won plenty awards in contests worldwide. Miniature art devotee, engineer, contest judge and teacher, focused on spreading the word of what we do in the miniature world!


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