VolomirDo Not Miss Do Not Miss 2022 Week 29 By volomir - September 6, 2022 0 2370 1Trudvang, Drakar Och Demoner by Allan Carrasco and Albert MoretóSculpted by Allan Carrasco based on art by Daniel Zrom, painted by Albert Moretó.2Breath, Post Pandemic Kid by John ChanJohn’s version of this model by Life Miniatures.3Seraph by Marco FrisoniMarco’s version of the bust from Mindwork Games.4Lydia by Krzysztof KobalczykKrzysztof’s version of the bust by Iván Mata.5Karazai the Scarred and Lord Commander by KAHAIncredible creation by KAHA using various models from the Stormcast Eternals range by Games Workshop.6Stormcast Eternals cover fan art by Daniel Fernández Truchaut and David ArrobaDigitally sculpted by Daniel Fernández based on art by Games Workshop, painted by David Arroba.7The Three Graces by RustoFabrizio Russo’s own depiction of the Three Graces using models from different ranges in 75mm.8Viking by Michal PisarskiLan’s second version of this model from Limbo Miniatures.9Mean Tweets 2 by Iván HortalSecond version of this project based on art by Justin Gerard.10Tyr by Moses YaoMoses’ version of this bust from Hera Models.11Idun, Goddess of Youth by Jeroni CarmonaJero’s version painted for the Kickstarter campaign by sculptgallery_claudia.12G4M3RG1RL by MaGieMaartje Giesbers’ version of this Death High Savior from Kingdom Death.