VolomirDo Not Miss Do Not Miss 2024 Week 13 By volomir - May 3, 2024 0 2856 1The Woodworker by DroidenaAndrea’s version of this kit digitally sculpted by Bruno Sanches based on art by Tom Booth.2Bies by Sh4dowsofcolorsAlessandro Natale’s version of this model from Ignis Art.3Elivmentor, RE.MiniaturesDigitally sculpted by Juan Nahuel.4Landsknecht, Medieval ForgeSculpted by Igor Gurochkin, painted by Magnus Fagerberg.5Demon Prince by El MiniaturistaJuan’s version of the Demon Prince from Games Workshop, very much inspired by World of Warcraft.6Seraphon by Mike ThomasMike’s entry in Warhammer AoS Unit that was awarded Gold in Golden Demon USA 2024.7Orks by Sam LenzSam’s entry in Warhammer 40k Squad/Kill Team that was awarded Silver in Golden Demon USA 2024.8Gaia the Mother Earth by LanMichal Pisarski’s new version of this model from Karol Rudyk Art.9Caster of the Runes by AnphiarusBarrie’s conversion of this Space Wolf from the Horus Heresy era.10Koboshi by Katarzyna GórskaKAHA’s version of the model sculpted by Allan Carrasco for Sergio Calvo’s Kickstarter campaign.11Forg de Grenouille by Alexander KataurovAlexander’s version of this model from Blood Carrot Knights based on art by Justin Gerard.12Valten by Rodrigo AkoreRodrigo’s version of this classic from Games Workshop.13Garrosh Hellscream by Dengyi ZhaoDengyi’s painted version of this model from freedom3d_lzn based on the character from World of Warcraft.14Cato Sicarius by Siege StudiosConversion of a Primaris Space Marine into the legendary named Captain of the Ultramarines.15Hyper Shaggoth by Raffaele StumpoRaffaele’s conversion of pieces from a Carnosaur and a Bloodthirster into a big alternative Shaggoth.