Saturday, July 27, 2024

No more Do Not Miss? What’s happening?!

If you are reading these lines, chances are you may have noticed that there has been a complete lack of activity in the site...

Death Korps of Krieg At Ease (2011) by Volomir

It's been 10 years since these lads were painted, and now GW is unveiling plastic Death Korps of Krieg for their new Kill Team...

The Last Stand of the Crimson Fists – the creation logbook by Volomir

Here's what I promised! This is the diary of how I undertook the creation of the diorama "The Last Stand of the Crimson Fists". It...

The Last Stand of the Crimson Fists by Volomir

Exactly 10 years ago today (July 4, 2010), I presented The Last Stand of the Crimson Fists. Can't think of a better time to post...

100 miniatures to ‘Do not Miss’ from 2018

The year 2018 was utterly brilliant in the figure modelling world. It has left us a lot of great pieces, miniatures, sculptures and paintings that are absolutely...
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Do Not Miss 2021 Week 42